Welcome to my Journey To Life blog.
In this blog I will be sharing my realizations, topics of interest and findings that I come across in my process of becoming a diplomat in this world.
With the support of Self-Forgiveness and Self-corrective statements, I will be looking at the diplomatic arena in Self-Honesty and common sense.
I was 14 years old when I first heard about the diplomatic career. What triggered my attention was the global aspect of such a career, the geographical and historical knowledge required, the potential of building peace with fellow human beings. Since then, much of me has changed, including my approach to peace itself, where it is no longer an abstract idea, but rather as the outcome of the networks/interactions in this world system that condition (or allow) the fundamental structures for a peaceful and stable world environment.
I have been working in the field of communications over the last three years and I am currently a student of Diplomatic Studies in the UK.
More than ever, my personal growth in terms of understanding how the mind works is allowing me to understand the relationships among human beings, that on a global scale are manifested in the international affairs.
In this blog, and throughout the next 2552 days (7 years) I will take one point at a time, bringing the diplomatic system (which, as any system, is interrelated with all the other systems) to myself and walk the required self-forgiveness, to support me looking at the world as what it is, at its real problems and at the striking solutions that deeply we know are the best for all of us, as the world within and the world without.